Life Trauma Solutions
"Transforming Lives by Healing Trauma"
"We are dedicated to helping people heal from trauma and build resilience by offering culturally aware training, education, research, and outreach worldwide."
Support groups help bereaved people by:
Countering the sense of isolation that many experience.
Providing emotional, physical and spiritual support in a safe, nonjudgmental environment.
Allowing you to explore your many thoughts and feelings about grief in a way that helps you be more compassionate with yourself.
Encouraging members to not only receive support and understanding for themselves, but also to provide the same to others.
Support groups offer opportunities to learn new ways of approaching problems in addressing the needs of family members and others affected by the loss of a loved one.
Help you trust your fellow human beings again in what for many in grief feels like an unsafe, uncaring world. Providing a supportive environment that can reawaken your love for life.
There is a growing realization among those who care for bereaved that support groups are an appropriate and effective way to help bereaved people heal. They offer a safe place for people to do the work of mourning. Support groups encourage members to reconcile their losses and go on to find continued meaning in life and living.
Attending a support group, facilitated by a skilled leader, often brings comfort and understanding beyond many people's expectation.